Health benefits of swimming

Swimmer in bikini in the swimming pool, photographed from below 

Have you ever asked yourself if and why swimming is good for you? No matter your age or level of fitness - for many people swimming is the perfect sport to strengthen body and mind, because it:

  • strengthens the cardiovascular system

  • protects your joints and back

  • helps reduce stress

  • promotes muscle building

  • is gentle on the entire body.

Below we will introduce you to the health benefits of swimming in more detail. Read on to find out more about the positive effects swimming can have on you and why you should definitely try it!

Why is Swimming a Good Exercise For the Heart?

There are several reasons why swimming is healthy for the heart. Primarily, swimming can train your heart muscle and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Secondly, this also reduces your blood pressure in the long term and increases your lung volume. 

The strengthening of the circulatory system is also good for your brain performance. A higher heart rate ensures that your body is better supplied with oxygen through stronger blood circulation - this in turn promotes concentration

Important to note: Since the heart and lungs are put under strain by the water pressure, people with cardiovascular problems should first consult a doctor about swimming.

Swimming: Benefits For Your Back 

Is swimming good for posture? Yes, swimming is very healthy for your back. Since you can relieve your body in water, swimming is the perfect sport for people who suffer from back pain. It strengthens the core muscles and relieves tension in the back. Pregnant women can also relieve the strain on their spine and stomach while swimming.

Swimmer in a backless swimsuit in front of a swimming pool However, you should pay attention to the correct swimming style and execution: If done incorrectly, breaststroke swimming, for example, can negatively impact your back because the head is usually kept constantly above water and the cervical spine is therefore overextended. This can lead to tension in the neck and back. To relieve the strain on your back when swimming breaststroke, you should exhale underwater and only lift your head to inhale. This technique not only helps reduce strain but in this way you can also enjoy from breaststroke swimming benefits for your back muscles. Backstroke swimming is also good for your back, due to the stretched upper body.

Tip: Breaststroke, crawl, ... we provide clear answers to the question What types of swimming are there?

Protecting your joints

Is swimming good for recovery? For people with osteoarthritis, the elderly, injured athletes and pregnant women, swimming is the perfect sport, because it is not only relieving for the back, but also for the joints. This makes swimming a good alternative to other endurance sports such as jogging, the risk of injury is significantly lower. Especially backswimming is healthy for the joints. However, no matter what type of swimming, you should always pay attention to clean execution. If the technique is not clean, the joints are often put under strain, this happens particularly often when swimming breaststroke. 

More than fitness: Other Health Benefits of Swimming

Swimming Every Day – How Healthy is that?

Is it good to swim everyday? Basically, swimming every day can be healthy and good for us physically and mentally. However, like any other sport, the following also applies: You should listen to your body and, especially at the beginning, take a break if you have sore muscles or pain. In order for your muscles to regenerate, your body needs enough recovery time. For beginners, a training plan with 2-3 Swimming sessions per week usually makes the most sense. 

Tip: Check out our training plans for swimming beginners and professionals and find the right plan for your level!

Swimming in Cold Water: Healthy or not?

If you are looking for a special challenge, cold water swimming might be right for you. Swimming in cold water increases the positive effects on the cardiovascular system and offers higher calorie consumption than swimming in usual water temperatures. Since there are a lot of things to consider, it is best to read our article on cold water swimming beforehand

Mental benefits of swimming

Why can swimming is also healthy for our psyche? Since swimming requires concentration, it helps many people to reduce stress and being in the moment. In addition, the body releases mood-enhancing hormones such as serotonin and dopamine that make us happy. The feeling of being weightless and the controlled breathing also enhance relaxation


In summary, swimming has not only numerous lasting benefits for physical, but also for mental health. Swimming is a suitable sport for each of us because it is gentle on our bodies and still helps build muscles and endurance. So what are you waiting for? Grab your bikini or swimsuit and try it out!


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